In Business, Versatility Is a Virtue

A person of multiple skills is oftentimes alluded to as a jack of all trades, but usually with the derogatory undertones of not having a specialization, a master of none in popular parlance. The implication is that someone who dabbles in everything, a dilettante, cannot be relied to tackle intricate tasks that require distinctive expertise.   A marketable curriculum vitae is one that explicitly states the areas of discipline where the applicant has an excellent and thorough knowledge.  Corporate structures are compartmentalized, manpower staff are boxed to their specific forte.  Being a specialist commands more handsome paychecks.StockSnap_Y9UAO6CRX3-e1493050836400

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However, for a business person, particularly someone just coming into the playing field, constraint in capital as well as the imperative for a hands-on style of management behooves versatility to successfully survive the entrepreneurial world.   Someone at the helm of a corporate firm has to have all their senses glued on every facet of operations, marketing, raising capital, establishing linkages and partnerships while simultaneously getting to know the nitty-gritty whereabouts of every employee.


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Possessing a wide gamut of skills, an extensive spectrum of experiences, and vast array of abilities lets one gain greater insight  and formulate more intelligent approaches in coming up with solutions to operational problems that may arise, designing plans and work models, forecasting events affecting the business, and generating partners, good staff, and even capital.

Versatility in business is being able to assume any function or task with the confidence of an expert.

Emile Haddad is one of Seattle’s most trusted business coaches. As a principal consultant at Catalyst Business Coaching and Consulting, LLC, he provides clients with the proper knowledge and skills they need to achieve their dreams of entrepreneurial success. For more links to related articles, visit this page.


Tips On Concocting The Best Coffee Blend

It’s no myth: making the finest coffee, especially in the comforts of your own home, is totally possible, provided a keen understanding of the process. Of course, by process, we mean brewing; not settling for those instant coffee blends. Hereunder are some tips for getting the right feel-good caffeine fix.

A lot of people don’t know this, but most coffee beans come with recommended roast dates. The best dates lie within the past two weeks. When you are ready, take time to weigh your beans on a digital kitchen scale. The ideal ratio is 25 grams of whole beans per 350 grams of water.

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We’re often too focused on our end-product drink that we forget that the coffee beans won’t get into our cup without the grinder. Poorly ground beans will affect the taste of your coffee; it’s best to use a burr grinder over blade ones as it ensures even grinding and allows for more user control over the process. Uniform grinding leads to a more flavorful brew.

Before brewing, make sure that the water temperature is between 195° and 205°F. Boil the water in a kettle, unplug, and leave for 30 seconds. When done, set up your cup. It’s recommended to use a pouring cone on the scale. Then add a filter, which one should rinse first with hot water. Next, remove the water, set the scale to zero, and add the ground coffee beans. Pour them in slowly, in a circular motion.

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Finally, fill your cup. As soon as the grounds settle in the bottom, saturate them anew. Do this until you’re done pouring all the water into your cup. And there you’ll have it: your fine, home-made blend. Relax and take a sip.

Emile Haddadis a business consultant and coffee critic based in Seattle, Washington. For more on his writings and advice about coffee, visit this website.

Mastering Effective Delegation In The Workplace

Assigning tasks to team members can be a challenging task for a leader, especially one that is used to doing all the work. However, delegating tasks is necessary to ensure the pace and the quality of the output. Below are some steps that can help team leaders and managers distribute tasks to their members:

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of each member

It’s best to give employees tasks that they know they’ll be able to do well to avoid frustration and unnecessary tension. If they have no choice but to do work outside of their expertise, their immediate superior must check from time to time or assign a coworker who can help accomplish the task faster. Assigning tasks according to an employee’s capabilities will boost their morale and encourage them to give their best for the whole team’s success.

Break the team into smaller groups

If one employee can’t handle the whole task, then it’s best to find one or two other members to finish it. Small groups will keep members accountable and responsible for their part of the project. It will also improve the skills of members who are lacking in some areas. Best of all, small groups will facilitate better working relationships within the team.

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Communicate instructions clearly

Some leaders dread delegation because they think they won’t be able to explain the whole plan and strategy to their members. Others don’t want to take responsibility for mishaps and delays. When it comes to this aspect, it’s better to instruct members verbally and in writing to ensure that members will have a guide even with their specific tasks. Allow members to ask questions about their role in the project to prevent misunderstanding.

Leaders shouldn’t be afraid to trust their employees especially when the project at hand is crucial to the company. Delegating tasks will empower employees and at the same time, enable the leader to properly oversee operations without feeling too burdened.

Emile Haddad is a Seattle, WA-based business coach. Find out more about effective business strategies on this blog.

Start Today: Practicing Work-Life Balance Until It Becomes a Daily Routine

Most people who have regular 8-hour work days describe their lives as stressful. Balancing a job along with personal, relational, and extra-curricular responsibilities seem to be an unattainable feat. No matter how difficult, some people end up having time for all of these things while maintaining their health. How do they do it? What are the secrets to having a balanced life daily?


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Stick to a schedule

It’s important to have a schedule and stick to it as much as possible to create a work-life balance. When it’s time to work, a person must give himself entirely to it so that it will not spill over when it’s time to do other things. Doing other things on the job (logging on social networks, playing games, dozing off, gossiping) can hinder a person’s productivity during the working hours. In the same way, thinking about work while one is on vacation can also add to the stress. By allotting set chunks of time for one’s work and personal matters, a person gives himself the chance to thrive in both areas.


Most people realize that they end up doing more when they’re off their smartphones and computers. Though most tasks are done with the help of these devices and with a high-speed internet connection, going offline re-aligns a person’s priorities on the job and in life. Instead of spending chunks of time reading clickbait, logging off to finish paperwork, organizing a closet, or meeting up with a friend can give a person more time for enjoyment.


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Recharge and rest

One might have heard the phrase, “I’m working hard to pay for my future health bills.” Sadly, majority of adults are sleep-deprived and over-caffeinated. They fail to realize that exercise and sleep are important factors to ensure a person’s work-life balance. By exercising 20 minutes in a day and sleeping for a minimum of 6 hours, a person will be significantly healthier, happier, and more productive.

One must be intentional about their efforts to achieve work-life balance. Going back to basics and getting rid of distraction can restore a person’s overall well-being in significant ways.

Emile Haddad is a Seattle-based business consultant. He is also passionate about coffee and sports. To learn more about Emile’s work, visit this page.

Identifying The Most Common Leadership Blind Spots

Business consultants advise their clients to understand that leadership is not a rote process. There are many available resources on becoming an effective leader; each with their own unique insights. All of these are useful, yet what most people fail to recognize is that new skills cannot be learned if there is an underlying challenge or problem.


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These problems are called “blind spots”, and as the term suggests, they are areas in an executive’s thinking that they are not aware of. For the most part, blind spots are relatively harmless, but can reduce the impact of business coaching. As such, consultants have listed the most common leadership blind spots so that executives become aware of any potential failing:

All work groups have access to helpful tools: This is a deadly assumption. Leaders often think that all members of their group are given the same tools and information. This is why some executives become frustrated when one person is uninformed about a certain situation. Instead of looking at the system, the leader often blames the employee for not paying attention. Leaders should ensure that all members of their team are on equal footing.

Not following through: This applies particularly with consequences. No one wants to be seen as the “bad” guy, but being a leader often means doing what is right rather than what feels good and popular. The “niceness” blind spot hinders executives from doling out appropriate consequences to deserving employees. It must be emphasized that this is not justification for insensitivity or rudeness; merely that consequences should be dealt with according to workplace priorities.

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Being genuine: No two leaders are the same as well. Being genuine to one’s personality, however, is something that should be established from the get-go. Executives are not forced to get along with their colleagues, but this is also not a reason to be inconsiderate. The term “genuine” here refers to holding themselves accountable for their work actions and for the well-being of their employees.

To keep these blind spots in check, it is suggested that employees keep a journal or download an app that would remind themselves of their daily actions.

Follow the advice of trusted business coach and consultant, Emile Haddad. Learn more when you follow this Twitter account.

Professionalism In a Social Media Driven Environment

Not a lot of offices have set rules when it comes to using social media in the workplace. On the other hand, there are also many companies that ban the use of these sites during work hours. Checking social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is second nature to many of this generation’s employees. Sadly, there are times when professionalism is compromised due to this practice. How can one stay professional in a social media dependent workplace?


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Think before clicking “Accept” or “Follow”.

This applies to higher management and regular employees. A person’s social media account can contain posts that are highly opinionated, personal, and even misinformed. When dealing with officemates online, users can find it hard to separate the personal from what is seen on the feed. To prevent dislike or misunderstandings, it is best to keep a distance online and establish a good rapport in person.

Don’t post while at work (unless it’s part of the job).

Most companies allow their workers to browse the Internet freely especially when there’s not much to do but it’s only courteous to hold off on posting images and statuses when a person is logged in at work. Instead of taking a photo of a meeting on Instagram, it’s actually better to stay present and focus on what the team is doing at the moment.

Clean up personal profiles.

These days, it’s inevitable for people to Google a person’s name to get to know him or her at some level. For professionals, it is only fitting to keep some posts viewable only by friends. A drunken night out might not create a good impression in the eyes of an employer. Also, it is always important to give posts a second thought before hitting that upload button.

There’s no denying that social media is already a crucial part of how people operate daily. However, this doesn’t mean that users can be careless about their personal accounts. They should all the more be vigilant in protecting their image and personal details.

Emile Haddad is one of Seattle’s most trusted business coaches. As a principal consultant at Catalyst Business Coaching and Consulting, LLC, he provides clients with the proper knowledge and skills they need to achieve their dreams of entrepreneurial success. To know more about Emile and his services, follow this Twitter page.

Creating a better decision-making process in the business

In every business, there are dozens of decisions to be made every day, from the seemingly petty ones to the large-scale. These decisions can have a significant impact on the organization, employees, customers, and the market.

There are necessary steps to ensure that the organization arrives at the optimal and most efficient decisions.

The first step identifying the problem. Knowing the symptoms or effects of the problems would not suffice; their underlying causes should be determined to properly address the issue and learn what the real objective of the decision-making is. There are plenty root cause analysis tools that could help, and those that need to be involved should be included in the process.


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After which, a multiple perspective analysis should be conducted. In “Leadership Decision Making,” University of Baltimore Professor Hossein Arsham likened this step to “wearing different hats,” which could lead to various thinking approaches. Possible solutions can then be formulated, and subsequently evaluated.


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The next step is making the decision. Some leaders get bogged down by analysis paralysis, such that no progress is taken towards making the decision. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, “In any moment of decision, the best you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

Emile Haddad is a Seattle-based senior executive coach who has taught many business leaders and employees about the different skills needed to achieve success. Check this LinkedIn page for more information about him.

Excellent Leaders Are Those Who Can Engage Their Employees

There are many qualities that define great business leadership. One of the lesser known characteristics is the ability of an individual to extend beyond his professional persona and connect with their employees. It has become a rule of thumb for executives to maintain a certain amount of distance from their team; the reason being to maintain professionalism and work-life balance. Yet, the distinction is sometimes carried to the extreme with bosses becoming too aloof and “cold” to the point where employees no longer feel inclined to work as hard as they should.

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Great leaders are those who can engage their employees out of apathy or mere attendance. These individuals can strike a balance between being a boss and someone who employees can approach with their problems. This does not have anything to do with personal issues. What is meant by that statement is that leadership requires dedication and empathy. Younger adults have been noted to need more nurturing and often report being frustrated when their executives do not regularly have follow-ups. Challenges regarding workplace issues or difficulties can be immediately addressed with consistent feedback sessions.

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Such setup not only benefits the employees but the leader as well. It develops a better understanding of workplace culture and can bring to light potential difficulties that could occur among employees. This “inside knowledge” gives the leader the opportunity to take the necessary actions to prevent challenges, proves compatibility with their team, and strengthens employee-manager relations.

Emile Haddad of Seattle is a business consultant and coach, specializing in the areas of business leadership and management. Learn more about how to be a better leader when you follow this blog.

Making Better Leadership Decisions For Financial Success

Becoming a successful leader is a lifelong process. Effective business leaders understand this and take the time to educate themselves continuously. This is done through various means, from seminars to leadership training.

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One aspect that is continually espoused is the importance of making better business decisions. Financial coaches have listed a few suggestions that would help.

Embrace failures: Failure will happen. Successful entrepreneurs understand this. What separates the successful from others is their ability to adapt and evolve with each challenge. Failures are never an easy experience. It is okay to take the hit for more a few months; remember that each person reacts to things differently. Entrepreneurs should not be burdened with a time frame. It is okay to use whatever time necessary to recuperate. However, what is important is learning from these experiences and applying them to better leadership decisions.

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Preparation is key: Many business studies have been conducted on the power of visualization and planning. Biologically, the body cannot differentiate what is being perceived in the mind and what is happening. This is an effective tool that can be applied in decision-making. A businessperson can prepare for every eventuality so if (or when) these events do occur, they are better able to control their emotions and responses. It is the theory of practice optimized on a whole different scale.

It is also good to note that education is essential. There are many online resources available detailing specific exercises and habits that will improve decision-making skills.

Emile Haddad of Seattle is a business consultant who believes that great leaders are made not born. Learn more when you follow this Twitter account.

Clearing Up The Haze: Myths Surrounding Leadership

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People look up to leaders upon realization of a collective desire to achieve a pre-determined set of goals and objectives. Leaders are put in high regard as sources of motivation for the team. There are even instances where people revere leaders because of the constructive change that they have brought to the team.

With such high expectations for leaders, it is only natural that those deemed worthy of such positions occupy elite status. Inevitably, this status fuels several misconceptions about being a leader.

People assume leadership is a rare skill. However, every person has leadership potential. Interestingly, a person may be a leader in one niche but a follower in another. Leadership opportunities are not rare, and therefore within reach of everyone.

Another misconception is that leaders are born, and not made. Leadership is not a talent given to a select few. The major competencies and capacities of leadership can be learned by those who are interested. As long as the desire for education is present, leadership can be cultivated within individuals.

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Lastly, that leaders are naturally charismatic is also a myth. Actually, charisma is the result of good leadership, and not the other way around. Through good governance, charisma is born, which will strengthen the relationship between the leaders and the followers.

Emile Haddad is one of Seattle’s most trusted business coaches. As a principal consultant at Catalyst Business Coaching and Consulting, LLC, he provides clients with the proper knowledge and skills they need to achieve their dreams of entrepreneurial success. More about leadership can be read on this blog.